Friday KS2 3rd Year Improvers Class Summer 2024
september timetable
My brand new timetable for September showing all my group classes for a variety of different ages and levels is now available. You can now find details of all the classes available in September on the Fees and Times Page. Click here
Online Zoom Classes for children
Home Educated Children – Online Zoom classes run by myself except those showing * or ** run by HEET and £2 tuition hub respectively See Fees and times
Beginners Fun French class 2nd Year (Approx. age 7-11). Fridays 10.00-10.45
HEET Beginners Fun French class 2nd Year – (Approx. age 7-11). Wednesdays 9.00-9.45 *
Beginners Fun French class 1st Year - (Approx. age 6-10). Fridays
Beginners French KS3 class 1st Year - (Approx. age 10-13). Mondays 11.30-12.30
HEET Intermediate French for Children 1st Year - 1 hour class for KS3 (Approx. age 10-13). Thursdays 9.00-10.00 Assumes basic knowledge of KS2 French *
HEET Intermediate French for Children 2nd Year – 1-hour class for KS3 (Approx. age 10-14). Thursdays 1.30-2.30. Assumes prior knowledge KS2/3 *
Intermediate French for Children 1st Year - 1 hour class for KS3 (Approx. age 10-14). Assumes basic knowledge of KS2 French. Fridays 9.00-10.00
£2 Tuition Hub Intermediate French for Children 1st Year - 1 hour class for KS3 (Approx. age 10-14). Assumes basic knowledge of KS2 French. Tuesdays 9.00-10.00 ** = £2 Tuition Hub class
KS4/IGCSE Classes
HEET IGCSE French - 2 Year Course, 1st year - 1 hour class for KS4 (Approx. age 13-16). Assumes good knowledge of KS3 French. Thursdays 10.30-11.30 *
HEET IGCSE French - 2 Year Course 2nd Year - 1 hour 30 class for KS4 (Approx. age 14-17). Assumes knowledge of Year 1 IGCSE. Edexcel Exams to be taken Summer 2025. Wednesdays 10.00-11.30 *
Please see more details here Home Schooled Children and contact me for more information on the topics covered in each year for each course
HEET Classes - For costs and to register and book go to or
Please contact me directly for classes not run by HEET.
After School Online Zoom Classes.
Held on a Tuesday and Wednesday after school. Cost is £5 per child. See Fun French for Children
Fun French for Children – 40-minute class for beginners in KS1/2 (School years 1-3) (Approx. age 5-8). Tuesdays 4.15-4.55.
Fun French for Children – 45-minute class for improvers (School years 4-7) (Approx. age 8-12). Wednesdays 5.00-5.45.
For more details and to book contact me
Please contact me for more information about any of these classes OR TO BOOK.
Learning a language has many benefits but it’s not only a great help when travelling or applying for certain jobs, it can also help us develop several mental abilities including improved memory, more highly developed critical skills, it can enhance the ability to multi-task and help us understand our own language better. It keeps your brain healthy and according to many different studies can even delay the onset of dementia.
I am a qualified modern languages teacher with lots of teaching experience, offering French tuition for fun or exam purposes to children and adults in the Harrogate area and online lessons via Zoom.
Young home ed student working on one of my worksheets at home.
KS2 Beginners Class